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San Joaquin Basin


Advanced Structural Model generation of complex flower structure, CA (2013)

This strike/slip positive flower structure located on a fault restraining bend in the San Andreas fault zone contains over 50 vertically truncating reverse faults and 8 vertically stacked and heavily compartmentalized oil bearing zones. The client kindly supplied the dataset to test the capabilities of Petrel’s Volume Based Modeling algorithm in development at the time.  I digitized cross sections and gridded 35 horizons with well tops, and successfully created a structural model of the entire field.  This was the first time in history this field had been modeled in one piece without omitting known structure for simplicity.

Dedicated on-site support and workflow advisor amongst several major operators in San Joaquin Basin (2012-2018)

During this time period, I spent at least one week per month in Bakersfield, California as dedicated geological, geophysical and geotechnologist software support for Petrel and Studio software platforms amongst several major operators.  I taught 25+training courses, individually mentored over 150+ new and veteran Petrel users in best practices and workflow guidance, and assisted with multiple narrow scope reservoir characterization and development projects.  I also organized and delivered a monthly Petrel “Pub Demo” presentation at the local brewery in Bakersfield, attended by 45-60 beer loving geologists.