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Here you will find various books, websites, videos, educational resources, etc which I have found to be extremely helpful and/or interesting, both in my personal and professional life.  Topics are arranged by tabs. and items under each tab are arranged by source type (website, video channel, book).  Most are free, some are paid, but all are worth exploring.

I am always looking for more things to read and share-  If you have anything you think should go here, please contact me, and I will look to adding it!




Lazy Modeling Crew Blog web linkThe Lazy Modeling Crew

These four canucks put the sometimes esoteric terminology and theory of geostatistics and resource estimation in plain-speak.  Most of their blog articles are readable in 5-10 minutes, and are entertaining to boot!  

Sadly it has been a few years since their last post, but it is still a worthwhile (and entertaining!) read.




Geostatistics Lessons web link

Geostatistics Lessons

Initiated by the University of Alberta Centre for Computational Geostatistics and edited by Jared Deutch, this website contains a series of short lessons comprising a best practices of applied geostatistics.  Each lesson is presented as a separate URL, and can also be downloaded via PDF for your printer’s convenience.  The content is covered under the creative commons license, meaning copy it and share it all you want, just don’t change it or charge for it, and be sure to credit the authors.



Earth-logs blog weblink


The author of several books and over 1500 blog articles spanning several decades, Steve Drury is a prolific writer in the geosciences.  Most articles here summarize important primary source publications in a style which is accessible and readable to professionals, academics and non-specialists.  Best of all, each blog contains a link to the peer-reviewed source article in pdf without a paywall.  This is an absolute treasure trove, and if you are anything like me, you will spend hours in his extensive archives!



Video Channels

Dr Michael Pyrcz GeostatsGuy Lectures Youtube Channel link

GeostatsGuy Lectures 

This is the Youtube channel of Dr. Michael Pyrcz, an Associate Professor in the Cockrell School of Engineering and Jackson School of Geosciences, at The University of Texas at Austin.  He is also a co-author of Geostatistical Reservoir Modeling (described in the book section below).  He posts all university lectures for all of his courses online at his Youtube channel for students and professionals alike.  Courses include geostatistics, data analytics, machine learning, and Python.
John Lab Youtube Channel Link

The John Lab

The John Lab (formerly the Carbonate Research Group) is headed by Dr Cédric John, in the Department of Earth Science and Engineering at Imperial College London.  Their Youtube channel hosts several fantastic full-semester length online courses: advanced carbonate stratigraphy, data science and machine learning for geoscientists, and fundamentals of stratigraphy- all under creative commons licenses. 


Geostatistical Reservoir Modeling (2nd ed)

by Clayton V. Deutsch and  Michael J. Pyrcz 

The second edition of this fairly comprehensive treatment of geostatistics for subsurface reservoir modeling workflows adds Michael Pyrcz as a collaborator,  full color illustrations (which are always nice to have in property models), and an expanded list of topics.  It also adds many workflow examples and discussions on applying theory to solve real problems in reservoir characterization.




Quantitative Geosciences:  Data Analytics, Geostatistics, Reservoir Characterization and Modeling

by Y. Z. Ma

This is a great overview of how data analytics and statistics can be used in reservoir characterization.  This book focuses less on the pure mathematics, and more on the philosophy and application of using data driven methods to quantify and model the subsurface, pulling out equations only where necessary (but supplying countless references for those who would like to delve deeper). The scope of topics here is almost staggering, but if you want a book that focuses less on the “how and why do these tools work”, and more on the “when and how do I use them”, this is it.  

Full disclosure-  I had the great fortune to work with Dr. Ma for several years, and assisted in proof reading and reviewing this book prior to publication.  Hey, that’s a beautiful image on the front cover; I wonder who could have designed it? 😉